
Get the Job! Keep the Job! Find Balance in Life!

Workshop Feb 28th at 6 pm.  Details at www.wise.ok.ubc.ca/general-workshops

WiSE Outreach Workshop!

Thank you to our panelists for the amazing WiSE Workshop on getting a job, keeping the job and finding balance in life!

Year-end Celebration

Time to celebrate another inspiring year in the WiSE Mentoring Program! See you there on Wednesday, March 29, 2017!

Another successful year

Thank you to all the mentors and mentees for making our sixth year a wonderful success!  We hope to see you again this fall!

Engineering alumna gives back as a WiSE Mentor

Read about Yolanda Moser: WiSE mentor, Engineer in Training, and 2015 graduate of UBC’s School of Engineering! https://news.ok.ubc.ca/engineering/2017/01/12/soe-alumna-gives-back-through-ubcs-wise-program/

Thank you Urban Systems

Thank you to Urban Systems, Silver Sponsor of the WiSE Mentoring Program in 2014!

Thank you APEG BC

Thank you to APEG BC, Platinum Sponsor of the 2012-13 WiSE Mentoring Program!

We’re getting ready…

… for the Year-End Celebration on Tuesday March 26th. See you there!

March Workshops

Let us help you find your way to a meaningful career!  Join us to hear how successful women transitioned from school to career. More… at https://wise.ok.ubc.ca/general-workshops/

WiSE Professional Development Workshop with special guest speaker, Allison Markin

Is your online digital footprint promoting you or hurting you professionally? Join us Wednesday January 23, 2013 in EME 1121! Allison Markin, principal of All She Wrote Consulting will be our special guest speaker.  Allison has nearly twenty years of experience in communications, having worked in the worlds of marketing, media relations, crisis communications and writing. […]

a place of mind, The University of British Columbia

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