Women in Science and Engineering (WiSE) empowers young women to transition from undergraduate education to thriving careers in science and engineering, offering essential preparation and mentorship for sustained success in these fields.

The WiSE Mentoring Program at UBC Okanagan connects female students with industry mentors in Engineering and the Irving K. Barber School of Arts and Sciences. This program fosters career growth, industry networking, skill development, and strengthens ties with the UBC Community.

Our mentoring model pairs industry mentors with senior and junior undergraduate students, enabling senior students to gain mentoring experience by guiding junior students.

Receive support and clarity on career paths, industry demands, and navigating career advancement. 

Develop essential skills in job searching, networking, and creating professional online presence. 

Join a supportive community of women in Science and Engineering.


Give back by sharing career growth insights from personal experiences. 

Enhance leadership skills and gain coaching experience. 

Positively impact the career development of future leaders. 

Build meaningful relationships and expand your professional network. 

  • Mentees and mentors who are selected to participate will need to review our resources page to understand program expectations, timelines, and additional tips to get the most out of the mentoring program
  • Mentees and mentors will be asked to attend ALL events including information sessions, orientation, and professional development events
  • Mentees and mentors participating in the WiSE Mentoring Program MUST participate in a longitudinal evaluation research project and complete necessary surveys and interviews/focus groups
  • Mentees and mentors will then meet approximately 1hr/month (online or in-person) over the course of 8 months

Discover how the WiSE Mentoring Program can connect you with experienced mentors, enhance your career prospects, and provide support.

Join the WiSE Mentoring Program to inspire and guide the next generation of STEM professionals while enhancing your own leadership skills.

Students find the WiSE Mentoring Program invaluable, but industry leaders also experience rich and sometimes unexpected benefits.